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Adar 26

Israel Egypt peace accord, 1979

Death of R. Aryeh Leib Yellin, 1886, Yefeh Einayim

Death of Elisheva Bikhowsky, poet, 1949

Death of Samuel Simon, court-Jew, Vienna, 1762

Death of J. Ludwig Ewald, advocate of emancipation, Karlsruhe, 1822

Birth of Adolph Neubauer, bibliographer, 1831

Death of Julius Rubo, jurist, Berlin, 1866

Death of Ignatz Ortenau, first Jewish notary in Bavaria, Furth, 1887

Death of Ludovic Trarieux, Christian advocate of the Jews, Paris, 1904

Death of R. Beruach Eskeles, banker, Vienna, 1753, Adar I

Death of Theodor Goldsitflcker, Sanscritist, London, 1872, Adar I

Death of R. Joseph Perles, author, Munich, 1894, Adar I

Death of Leonard Lewisolin, American philanthropist, London, 1902, Adar I

Birth of Marco Mortara, author of rabbinical works, 1815, Adar II

Death of Lazarus Bendavid, Berlin, 1832, Adar II

Death of Menahem Cattawi Bey, "Egyptian Rothschild," 1883, Adar II

Death of Isaac Pesaro Maurogonato, senator, Italy, 1891, Adar II