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Adar 7

Birth and death of Moses, Adar I

Manna stops falling

First Hebrew daily newspaper, Ha-Yom, St. Petersburg, 1886

Krakow Ghetto massacre, 1943, Day 2, Adar II

Death of R. Isaac Jacob Rabinovitz, Reb Itzele Ponevezher, 1919, Zekher Yizhak

Death of Judah Steinberg, writer, 1908

Death of R. Elijah Benamozegh, 1900, Em la-Mikra

Death of R. Ephraim Solomon b. Aaron of Luntshits, 1619, Keli Yakar

Death of R. Abraham Bing, Wurzburg, 1841

Death of Friederike Kempner, German author, near Breslau, 1904

Birth of Lewis Way, champion of the Russian Jews, 1772, Adar I

Death of Ludwig Borne, German author, Paris, 1837, Adar I

Birth of Israel Zangwill, English novelist, London, 1864, Adar I

Death of Anna Maria Goldsmid, author, London, 1889, Adar I

Death of Elijah Benamozegh, apologist of Kabbalah, Leghorn, 1900, Adar I

Birth of Benedict Schott, principal of the Jacobson school, Danzig, 1764, Adar II

Death of Mendel Hess, radical Reform rabbi, Stadt of Lengsfeld, 1807, Adar II

Death of Ignatz Moscheles, renowned musician, Leipzig, 1870, Adar II

Death of Daniel Sanders, German philologist, Strelitz, 1897, Adar II

Death of Nachman Krochmal, "the Galician Zunz," Brody, 1785

Birth of Solomon Frenadorif, editor of the Massorah, 1803

Birth of Micah Joseph Lebensohn, Hebrew poet, Wilna, 1828