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Av 6

Spinoza excommunicated, 1656

Philip the Fair expels or kills all Jews in France, 1306

Death of Issachar Dov Baer of Zloczow, 1810, Mevasser Zedek

Death of Don Isaac Abarbanel, 1509, Migdal Yeshu'ot

Birth of Isaac Stern, violinist, 1920

Death of Menahem Azariah da Fano, Taimudic and Kabbalistic author, Pisa, 1620

Death of Jehuda Briel, Italian author, 1722

Death of R. Nathan Maass, Frankfurt, 1794

Death of Meir Kurnik, chronologist, Hamburg, 1826

Death of Moritz Szeps, editor, Vienna, 1902