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Cheshvan 17

Beginning of three-day fast in Israel if no rain fell by Cheshvan 17

Flood begins, Gen 7:11

King Saul's seven sons removed from gallows

Narol Podolia massacre, 1648, fast day

Balfour Declaration issued, 1917

Death of R. Sabato Morais, 1897, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Death of R. Simon Wolf Auerbach, Prague, 1631

Birth of Dorothea Schiegel, Moses Mendelssohn's daughter, Berlin, 1763

Birth of Gotthold Salomon, preacher, 1784

Death of Lazarus Gumpel, philanthropist (Heine's Gumpelino), Hamburg, 1843

Death of Gustav Heine, proprietor of a periodical, Heinrich Heine's brother, Vienna, 1886

Death of Sir Albert Saasoon, East Indian nabob, London, 1896