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Iyyar 10

25th day of the Omer

Tabernacle destroyed at Shiloh

Door of ark closed

Ark of Covenant captured by Philistines

Death of Eli and his sons, 891 BCE

End of Warsaw Ghetto, in flames, 1943

Sumtuary Laws at Casale, limit Jewish life, 1590

Death of Isaac Alfasi (RIF), first Sefer Halachot, 1103

Death of R. Zevi Hirsch b. Abraham Katz of Lemberg, 1664

Death of R. Hillel Lichtenstein, orthodox leader, 1891, Kolomea

Death of Shalom Rabinowitz, humorist, Shalom Aleichem, 1916

Death of Isaac Katzenelson, poet, 1944

Death of R. Meir Margalioth, Talmudic author, Ostrog, 1790

Death of Joseph Baron von Soimenfels, convert, humanitarian statesman, Vienna, 1817

Birth of R. Marcus Jastrow, author, Rogasen, 1829

Birth of Theodor Herzl, leader of the Zionistic movement, author, Budapest, 1860, Jewish State

Death of R. Abraham E. Piunpiansky, Riga, 1893