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Iyyar 12

27th day of the Omer

Middle wall of Jerusalem breached by Titus, 70

Israel admitted to UN, 1949

Death of R. Samuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsburg, Moravia, 1778, Divrei Shmuel

Death of David Woolf Marks, Reform Movement in US, 1909

Death of R. Lob Saraval, Mantua, 1617

Death of Joseph Athias, publisher, Amsterdam, 1700

Death of Moses Scrach Eidlitz, author of an arithmetic, Prague, 1780

Birth of Marks Haindorf, founder of Haindorf Institute at Munster, 1784

Birth of Jacob Freiherr von Mayer, manufacturer, Bibra, 1832

Death of R. Samson Wolf Rosenfeld, author, Barnberg, 1862

Death of Edward Munk, philologist, Glogau, 1871

Death of Solomon van Nierop, Dutch lawyer, communal leader, 1878

Death of Beer Goldberg, Hebrew literateur, Paris, 1884

Death of Jacob Freiherr von Mayer, Koburg, 1901