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Iyyar 20

35th day of the Omer

Israelites leave the Sinai desert, Num 10:11

Death of Isaac Halevy (Rabinowitz) of Hamburg, 1914, Dorot ha-Rishonim

Death of R. Joshua Falk Kohen, Sema, Lemberg, 1614

Chajim ben Mordecai, killed at Lemberg, 1664

Birth of Michael Creizenach, Reform writer, Mayence, 1789

Birth of Jacques Leon Aronsohn, medical professor, Strassburg, 1793

Birth of Leopold Feldmann, German poet, Munich, 1802

Death of Feibus Cohen, rabbinical writer, 1806

Birth of Abraham Geiger, one of the greatest Jewish theologians of modern times, Frankfurt, 1810

Death of M. M. Noah, who attempted to found a Jewish state, New York, 1851