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Iyyar 23

38th day of the Omer

Simon the Hasmonean drives Syrians out of Jerusalem, 142 BCE, minor holiday, 1 Macc 13:41

Moses strikes rock for water for the first time, Exod 17:6

Israelites camp at Rephidim, Exod 17:1

Israelites camp at Kivroth HaTaavah

Crusaders massacre Jews of Worms, 1096

Kahal (communal organization) instituted in Russia, 1786

Law concerning Jewish elementary and normal schools in Russia enacted, 1872

Death of Aaron Zevi Friedman, Ba'al Shem of America, 1876, Tuv Ta'am

Birth of Campegius Vitringa, Dutch theologian, 1659, De Synagoga Vetere

Birth of James Rothschild, founder of the Paris house, Frankfort, 1792

Birth of Samuel I. J. Scheresehewski, convert, missionary, translated Bible into Chinese, Tauroggen, 1831

Death of Dr. Abraham de Pinto, jurist, The Hague, 1878

Death of Wilhelm von Gutmann, financier and commercial leader, Vienna, 1895