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Nisan 16

Pesach II

1st day of the Omer

Omer offered for first time, Josh 5:11

Manna ends, 1273 BCE

Levi born

Haman hanged

Esther appears before Ahashvarush, 357 BCE

King Saul's seven sons killed

Sodom destroyed, 1714 BCE

Angel orders Gideon to attack Midianites, Judg 6:19

King Hezekiah rededicates Temple, 2 Chron 29:17

Death of R. Hayyim b. Jacob Abulafia of Smyrna, 1744, Ez ha-Hayyim

Death of Moritz Lazarus, philosopher, 1903, Meran

Death of R. Meyer Kayyserling, 1905

Death of Bishop Kennicot, collector of bible manuscripts, 1783

Death of Samuel M. Mayer, convert, professor in Tiibingen, 1862

Death of Karl Isidor Beck, German poet, convert, Vienna, 1879

Death of R. M. Lilienthal, Cincinnati, 1882

Death of W. von Boschan, alderman, Vienna, 1890

Death of Daaikmar Adler, architect, Chicago, 1900