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Shevat 24

Aunt Rose yarzheit

Zechariah's prophecy, 351 BCE, Zech 1:7

Speyer massacre, 1195

First printed Pentatuach, 1492

Expulsion of Jews from Vienna, 1670

Death of R. Meir b. Isaac Katzenellenbogen (Maharam of Padua), 1565

Death of Ezekiel Feivel b. Ze'ev Wolf, Maggid of Vilno, Musar Haskel

Death of R. Mordechai of Brisk, 1765, Mayim Ammukim

Death of Solomon Fiorentino, Italian poet, Florence, 1815

Birth of R. Abraham Schmiedel, theological author, 1821

Death of John Llorente, the historian of the Inquisition, 1823

Birth of George Brandes, Danish and German essayist, 1842

Death of R. Abraham Neuda, author in Loschitz, Moravia, 1854

Death of Isaac Bar Lowinsohn, "the Russian Mendelssohn," Krementz, 1860

Death of Moritz Abraham Stern, mathematician, professor, Gottingen, 1894

Death of Rudolf Benedict, chemist, Vienna, 1896

Death of Isaac Artom, first Jewish Senator in Kingdom of Italy, Rome, 1900

Death of Solomon Jadassohn, musical writer, 1902