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Sivan 1

Rosh Chodesh Sivan

45th day of the Omer

Camped at Sinai, 1313 BCE, Exod 9:1

Ezekiel tree story of Egypt

Flood waters begin to recede, Gen 8:3

Korach and followers vanish into depths of the Earth

Southern Kingdom covenant to seek God

Jacob departs Hebron from Joseph in Egypt, Jubilees

Death of Simchah b. Isaac Ha-Kohen of Worms, 1096

Death of R. Israel Ashkenazi of Shklov, 1839

Birth of Irving Berlin, songwriter, 1888

Birth of Ignaz Moscheles, musician, Prague, 1794

Death of Asher Ginsburg, Jewish scholar, 1823

Death of Germain See, professor and author of medical works, Paris, 1896

Death of David Tittinger, member Austrian Reichsrath, Czernowitz, 1900

Death of Chajim Selig Slonimaky, Hebrew scientist, Warsaw, 1904