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Tammuz 29

Fast of Hevra Kaddisha of Dubno Poland, 400 infants dead in epidemic, 1729

Death of Rashi, 1105

Death of R. Abraham b. David Portaleone of Mantua, 1612, Shiltei ha-Gibborim

Death of R. Immanuel b. David Frances of Mantua, Hebrew poet, 1618

Death of R. Moses of Zalshin, 1831, Tikkun Shabbat

Death of R. Jacob Saul Elyashar, 1906, Ma'aseh Ish

Death of Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of Revisionist Zionist movement, 1940

Birth of Shabbetai Zebi, pseudo-Messiah, 1626

Death of R. Samuel Meyer, author, 1875

Death of Salvatore de Benedette, professor and Italian Jewish author, Pisa, 1891