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Tammuz 5

Ezekiel's chariot vision, 429 BCE

Start of killings in Auschwitz, 1942, memorial day for Nazi deaths

Fast day for Ukrainian Jews in Haidamack uprising, 1768

Pogrom of Kielce Poland, 1946

Death of Wolf Ha-Kohen Kaplan, poet, 1888

Death of Mark Antokolski, sculptor, 1902

Death of Samuel of Opatow, medical author, 1705

Death of Isaac Euchel, biographer of Mendelssohn, Hebrew author, Berlin, 1804

Birth of Joseph von Hirsch, financier, father of Moritz von Hirsch, 1805

Death of John Hacking, author, 1839, Modern Judaism

Death of Ferdinand Cohn, botanist, Breslau, 1898