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Tevet 29

Purim Burgel, fall of Burgel Pasha, saved Tripoli 1793

End of winter, R. Judah in Talmud Bava Metzia

Switzerland grants Jews rights, 1866

Death of R. Noah Samuel Lipshitz, 1832, Zer Zahav

Death of R. Yehoshua Yehudah Leib Diskin, Maharil Diskin, 1898

Death of R. Nathan Marcus Adler, chief rabbi of London, 1890, Hiddushim

Death of R. Alexander Sander Margolis of Satanov, 1802, Teshuvot ha-Ram

Death of Jonas Frankel, philanthropist, Breslau, 1846

Death of Isaac Goldman, publisher, formerly teacher in a rabbinical seminary at Warsaw, 1888

Death of R. Liebmann Adler, Chicago, 1892

Selig Goldschmidt, philanthropist, Frankfort, 1896

Death of David Raynal, French statesman, Paris, 1903